Henry OT Handbooks and CDs
Tool Chest Set
The Tool Chest handbook contains the same 26 activities found in the Tools for Students ™ DVD, explains their objectives, the how-to, and the supplies needed.
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Tool Chest: for Teachers, Parents and Students handbook
The companion to Tools
for Students™ dvd, this handbook is excellent for individuals
or groups. The Tool Chest™ handbook is filled with activities
and designed to be used at home or at school, with students aged 4-13. As even
the most difficult children respond to these techniques, they become happier,
more confident, and more accepting of both instruction and others' differences.
Tool Chest: for Teachers, Parents and Students™ provides 26
fun, practical, easy to use activities to assist children in developing their
optimal range for:
- Paying attention - focusing
- Performing fine motor skills
- Improving self esteem
- Fitting in
- Loosing 'wiggles'.
Updated Tool Chest page #13 The Chair Ball. Please click on link to download (Chair Ball- PDF) - English
Available in English, Spanish (Espanol), French (Français), German
(Deutch), Portuguese (PortuguĂŞs)
Click on the cover for a complete description
Tools for Infants book
Tools for Infants: Sensory Based Strategies for Parents, Caregivers, and Early Intervention Providers™ book is a user-friendly guide filled with sensory-based strategies to help promote optimal development in infants. It can be used as a teaching tool or as a resource for intervention. The sensory-based strategies or “tools” in this book are designed to help infants feel “sensory-safe” in their daily activities and routines. It addresses opportunities for optimum engagement and co-occupation with parents and caregivers. Click here to view Table of Contents
Tools For Tots Companion CD
The Tools for Tots: Sensory Strategies for Toddlers and Preschoolers-Companion CD™ has been created to compliment the Tools for Tots: Sensory Strategies for Toddlers and Preschoolers™ book published in 2007. The Tools for Tots book has been a great addition to Henry OT Services easy to use sensory 'tools' materials acclaimed by all therapists, educators, child care providers, and parents.
The Tools for Tots Companion CD contains the interior pages (except References and Resources) from the book in a PDF format which can be copied for use by those wishing to share the information within the Tools for Tots book. Purchasers of the CD will be able to make copies of one page or multiple pages / topics that are included in the book. This CD will provide therapists, pediatricians, parents, caregivers, daycare providers, educators, social workers, etc. an opportunity to introduce sensory strategies for toddlers to others.
Click on the CD for a complete description
SI Tools for Teens: Strategies to Promote Sensory Processing™ handbook
This handbook highlights sensory integration and sensory processing for teens, their parents, teachers and therapists. Topics include understanding the teen brain, the sleepy teen, thrill seeking, drugs, and teen spaces. Healthy age-appropriate alternatives include movement, muscle, ear, and eye tools. The Teen Sensory Tool Survey provides teens with the opportunity to share their sensory preferences and needs with their parents, teachers, and therapists. Diana Henry, MS OTR/L, FAOTA once again promotes collaboration using a sensory integrative framework. Click on the cover for a complete description 'New Teen Sensory Tools™ DVD -
Click here for DVD information
Sensory Tools for Pets: Animals and People Helping Each Other
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Blog: SensoryToolsForPets Diana A. Henry, MS, OTR/L, FAOTA and Deanna Sava, MS, OTR/L gathered wonderful stories and photos from therapists and parents highlighting techniques used with animals as well as enduring stories about animals helping children. Animal assisted therapy stories about animals helping children (including some with autism) and adults who have sensory processing issues. Many therapists are using animals to assist in their treatment of children and adults with positive results.
Animals with sensory processing issues and simple techniques people have used to help them. The authors are hoping to raise people's awareness about sensory processing issues and the possibility that some animals' behaviors might be related to these issues.
Click on the cover for a complete description
Tools for Pets
This book is one of the sensory 'tools' published by Henry OT Services.